美國5大電影公司之一的「派拉蒙影業公司」(Paramount Pictures Corporation),其母公司「派拉蒙全球」
好萊塢娛樂巨頭宣布大裁員 削減15%美國人力08-09
快訊/狂賀!舉重女神郭婞淳奪銅牌 超商秒祭優惠2024巴黎奧運各項目陸續結束,舉重女神郭婞淳今(8)日在女子59公斤級中奪下銅牌,連鎖超商也紛紛在第一時間祭出優惠。
中國貴州黃果樹景區塞爆 群眾卡門口大喊「退票」中國貴州的黄果樹景區,人太多,導致園區被塞滿,無法再放遊客進園,讓卡在園區外的遊客,群體大喊要退票,另外,河南鄭州的海洋旅遊度假區,有男子插隊,被女子制止。
In August 2024, the Global Digital Technology Alliance Conference was held at the Beijing Hotel in Beijing, China. The event, titled "Fostering Innovation and Collaboration Globally" was hosted by the International Economic Strategy Research Institute, brought together outstanding Chinese enterprises such as TIENS Group, Huawei, Tencent, VMOMENT, as well as international companies such as Amazon, Clora Cross-border e-Commerce, Globast Global Supply Chain and MetaPoint Global Leaders Club. The conference focused on three key areas: artificial intelligence, cloud computing and big data.
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