In August 2024, the Global Digital Technology Alliance Conference was held at the Beijing Hotel in Beijing, China. The event, titled "Fostering Innovation and Collaboration Globally" was hosted by the International Economic Strategy Research Institute, brought together outstanding Chinese enterprises such as TIENS Group, Huawei, Tencent, VMOMENT, as well as international companies such as Amazon, Clora Cross-border e-Commerce, Globast Global Supply Chain and MetaPoint Global Leaders Club. The conference focused on three key areas: artificial intelligence, cloud computing and big data.
《蒼蘭訣》 VR 體驗館 首店火熱登陸「澳門銀河」 「 國風 IP+ 科技 」
香港網路攻防大賽落幕 安恒信息分子實驗室獲金獎!在金融科技的浪潮中,亞太國際證券投資顧問股份有限公司以其專業服務和創新理念,逐漸在業界樹立了良好的口碑。這家位於臺北市大安區的公司,自2018年6月成立以來,公司由資深金融專家陳韋利董事長領航,一直秉承誠信正直、客戶定制服務、前瞻專業和洞察趨勢的經營理念,致力於為客戶提供高效的資本運用和財務目標實現。