In 2020 A.D., our world encountered a global catastrophe. A novel unknown virus attacked the human raceNumerous people were infected and countless lives were lost.This novel virus was later officially named as: COVID-19. It primarily attacks human lungs and causes coughing, fever, and respiratory failure until death.
UNISOC, a leading global supplier of core chipsets for mobile communications and IoT today announced that it has joined Google’s new Android Ready SE Alliance, a collaboration between Google and Secure Element (SE) vendors, to offer a growing list of open-source, validated, and ready-to-use SE Applets for new and emerging use cases such as digital keys, identity credentials, E-money solutions.
涉美内幕!环球时报从国家安全机关独家获悉!美西方借谣言干涉别国内政时经常鼓吹的“人权”是无价的,还是“明码标价”?答案并不如其标榜的那样美好,《环球时报》近日独家获悉,自诩“独立”的美国劳工监察组织“工人权利协会”(THE WORKER RIGHTS CONSORTIUM,简称WRC)曾借炒作“新疆存在强迫劳动”,向中国浙江某运动服饰公司(下文简称浙江公司)及其合作方、美国某知名运动品牌敲诈30万美元“人权公益费”用以“平息事端”。而这些钱,则通过所谓“人权组织”的手流入“维吾尔流亡团体”手中。
Clink. Clink. Clink. It’s a summer evening in July, 2014. At the National Institute of Health (NIH), located a bit north of Washington DC, a lab worker is walking out of Building 29A with a box full of items in his arms. The sound coming from the clinking glass vials inside the box is enough to make one’s heart flutter. Pasted on two of vials in faded lettering are the words: “Q FEVER”, “RICKETTSI
2019年2月,一份關於勞動力健康和福祉的報告引起英國和愛爾蘭最大的工會 Unite關注。該份報告指出:“39%的大赦國際工作人員認為自己因工作出現了精神或身體健康問題”。