Fri Mar 14
盤點台中兩房5大交易熱區 西屯交易逾千件 北區、北屯符合首購、小資族需求
Fri Mar 14
遠傳與渢妙離岸風力發電簽訂長期綠電契約 實現2040年全面使用再生能源承諾
Fri Mar 14
On the two weekends of August 23rd to 25th and August 30th to September 1st, every time night falls, the "Blowing Market" at the Expo Huangpu Sports Park opens its doors to welcome visitors, and more than a hundred stalls are quickly filled with bustling citizens and tourists.
The three nights of "Sunset Concerts" from August 30th to September 1st brought the atmosphere of the Street Life Festival to a climax. Well-known bands and popular young musicians from the Xiaohongshu community jointly presented three musical feasts with different styles.
Nearly 600,000 citizens and tourists experienced the entire event offline and felt the warmth and fun of Shanghai.