Fri Mar 14
盤點台中兩房5大交易熱區 西屯交易逾千件 北區、北屯符合首購、小資族需求
Fri Mar 14
遠傳與渢妙離岸風力發電簽訂長期綠電契約 實現2040年全面使用再生能源承諾
Fri Mar 14
As urbanization and economic levels in Southeast Asia continue to develop, the region has become a rapidly growing market targeted by dietary supplement businesses due to its high growth potential.
Leveraging years of experience in the probiotics field, the Life-Space brand addresses a key consumer pain point – "boosting immunity" – as a fundamental benefit of probiotics for gut health. Quickly entering the Southeast Asian market through Lazada, Life-Space offers a professional product line covering all age groups. This strategy has successfully reshaped the traditional perception of probiotics as merely yogurt drinks among Southeast Asians, allowing the brand to captivate the younger generation and become a leader in its category.
The shift in Southeast Asian residents' attitudes towards nutritional supplements, from the COVID-19 pandemic to a heightened focus on personal health, has ushered in a new era for the industry. The Life-Space Southeast Asia team states, "Our goal is to specialize in probiotics, continuously providing targeted solutions for various health issues faced by consumers in Southeast Asia." The company has already initiated the expansion of the "Life-Space" brand in select Southeast Asian countries.