Fri Mar 14
盤點台中兩房5大交易熱區 西屯交易逾千件 北區、北屯符合首購、小資族需求
Fri Mar 14
遠傳與渢妙離岸風力發電簽訂長期綠電契約 實現2040年全面使用再生能源承諾
Fri Mar 14
According to the relevant departments in Vietnam, members of the Tenglong international online game platform have complained many times about anomalies on the website platform recently. At present, the relevant departments in Vietnam have decided to impose corresponding penalties on Tenglong International Company as follows:
1. Impose a penalty of 90 billion VND on Tenglong International Entertainment Company.
2. The 20-day closure and rectification to the Tenglong international online game platform.
This penalty will not affect the normal opening of the offline business premises of Tenglong International Company.
Vietnamese Ministry of Finance.
Date: April 20, 2022